Based on world class production technologies of alloy wheels,
the Hiho Group exports production equipment as well as operational technology.

In September 2015, Hiho Metal signed a contract with Steel Strips Wheels Limited (SSWL) of India for production equipment and technology support for alloy wheels. This will enable SSWL to have a production facility to supply 1.25 million alloy wheels to the Mehsana and Gujarat regions of India. (Construction is expected to be completed by March 2017.)

Hiho Metal is a major shareholder of Steel Strips Wheels Limited (SSWL). Currently, SSWL's production plant supplies the regions of Dappar, Oragadam, and Jamshedpur with 17 million steel wheels annually for their sedans, tractors, and trucks. Hiho Metal is proud to be affiliated with Steel Strips Wheels Limited.
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